Despite repeated studies showing it to be not economically feasible, the Thailand Landbridge proposal is making news again. We look at some previous studies to understand why this idea will never fly.
Could LNG make Papua New Guinea ASEANs newest member?
Papua New Guinea has long sought to join ASEAN. However the regional bloc has always been lukewarm to PNG’s advances. But can LNG change that?
Thailand Cambodia Overlapping Claims Area. Is a settlement in sight?
Thailand and Cambodia have indicated they are prepared to talk about joint exploration of the overlapping claims area. But after 20 years of no progress, will it really happen? This article examines the key considerations.
Thai Agritech and future directions
The Thai agricultural sector stands at a crossroads. Decreasing farm productivity, crop yields, and higher costs are confronting the broader industry. This article examines the quiet grassroots revolution taking place aiming to modernize the sector.
Uber retreats from ASEAN – how the ridesharing giant was outplayed in SE Asia
First China, then Russia and now ASEAN. How the ride-sharing giant lost out in South-East Asia.